Ohio is known by various names, which associated with it as a reward of its contribution in various Pages of “America’s History Book”.
The state is known as the Buckeye State, The Heart of It All, The Birth Place of Aviation and Mother of the Presidents.
It is not among the largest but populated states of US nation. Earthquakes are natural shakers in state and Anna, the renowned Shelby County quake, was also registered in Ohio State.
Ohio is center for business establishments and has been nominated 2nd best business suitable state.
It has also won several recognition awards for its business development and growth records in several past years.
Health care industry, with valuable and striving efforts from Ohio Board of Nursing, has also grown many folds since its early establishment in the state.
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What is Ohio Board of Nursing and what are its responsibilities?
Ohio Board of Nursing was established under the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio General Assembly of Laws serves as the basis for structure and basic functioning of Ohio Board of Nursing.
It is responsible for enforcing nursing laws and policies in state, as well as imposing punishment and taking actions against any unsafe and improper nurse practicing.
Board’s responsibilities are not limited to certification and licensing of trainees, but it has to keep a track of performance and practice record of various professionals in state.
Reviewing the license renewal applications and nursing programs are also other major responsibilities of Ohio Board of Nursing.
It regulates nurse practice and assists in maintaining the high standards of service to provide safe and efficient public health care.
Who are the Board Members and what are the eligibility requirements for appointment?
Ohio Board of Nursing is the statuary authority for nursing related issues in the state. The members must be responsible, experienced and capable of thorough thinking and executing effective plans for promotion of health services.
The members are appointed by Governor of Ohio after consultation with the State Senates.
If you are interested in being a board member of Ohio State Board of Nursing, you can submit your application form at Governor’s office.
All the application forms are considered and thoroughly checked through eligibility criteria.
Timely board meetings are held to discuss various nursing issues and promotion programs.
Here’s a detailed list of current board members of Ohio Board of Nursing:
- Patricia Sharpnack, RN Chardon President 2017
- J. Jane McFee, LPN Perrysburg Vice President 2017
- Janet Arwood, LPN Hilliard 2017
- Brenda Boggs, LPN Germantown 2019
- Matthew Carle Blacklick Consumer Member 2019
- Barbara Douglas, RN, APRN-CRNA Chardon 2020
- Nancy Fellows, RN Willoughby Hills 2020
- Erin Keels, RN, APRN-CNP Columbus 2018
- Lisa Klenke, RN Coldwater 2019
- Lauralee Krabill, RN Sandusky 2017
- Maryam Lyon, RN Sidney 2017
- Sandra Ranck, RN Ashtabula 2018
- Joanna Ridgeway, LPN Hilliard 2018
Important Names, Links and Statistics Relevant to OBN:
Address: 17 South High Street, Suite 400 Columbus, Ohio 43215-7410
Contact Number: 614-466-3947 (Phone) 614-466-0388 (FAX)
Board Members: 13 members
Website: http://www.nursing.ohio.gov/