Health Administration MHA Programs in New Jersey & Salary Info.

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Healthcare is the largest private-sector employer in New Jersey, employing more than 140,000 healthcare workers.

They are offering high paying jobs in health administration and health services management to both New Jersey’s experienced and novice healthcare administrators and managers.

In order to be able to find a job in the healthcare administration field, a post-secondary degree is necessary.

Bachelor’s degrees are designed to provide students with a knowledge suitable for taking on departmental leadership positions in hospitals while a master’s degree in health administration is a  requirement for senior-level health administration positions in larger hospitals and within integrated health systems.

New Jersey ranked fifth in the nation in terms of the highest average salary for health administrators, so we believe that this is a reason good enough to choose your future health administration educational institution and start your journey towards a stable career.

Health Administration Degrees in New Jersey

One of the most prominent institutions which offer great educational opportunities is SETON HALL UNIVERSITY – School of Health and Medical Sciences in South Orange.

You can enroll in a Master of Healthcare Administration (On Campus, Online) degree program.

The estimated cost per academic year is $14,544 if you attend classes on campus and $15,544 for the online format.

The school is proud to be accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education; Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education.

A bachelor’s degree in health administration consists of four years of full-time study and about 120-semester credits and the majority of programs culminate in practical experiences, such as a structured internship.

Undergraduate degree program options include:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a focus in Health Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration (BSHA)
  • Bachelor of Health Administration (BHA)

More career-specific coursework in a bachelor’s degree in health administration programs often includes:

  • Legal and ethical issues in healthcare
  • Health informatics
  • Case and outcomes management
  • Health economics
  • Foundations of healthcare leadership
  • Healthcare politics and policy
  • Global health systems

Master’s degrees in healthcare administration provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully guide health systems and they are educated via a competency-based curriculum that emphasizes patient experience, staffing, and business operations.

These are just a few of the undergraduate majors that graduate program candidates can possess to be allowed admission to a master’s program:

  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Business administration
  • Healthcare-related fields
  • Human resources

Other admission requirements commonly include:

  • Minimum undergraduate GPA
  • Minimum GRE scores
  • Admissions interview/essay
  • Experience in the healthcare administration field (for executive programs only)

The title you can get upon graduation depends on the institution that houses relevant master’s degrees:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a focus in Health Administration
  • Master of Public Health (MPH) with a focus in Health Administration
  • Master of Science in Health Administration
  • Master of Health Administration (MHA)
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA) with a focus in Health Administration

Further, the structure of health administration master’s degrees often vary from one institution to the next so you can choose from some of the following programs:

  • Residential programs: On-campus programs for traditional students
  • Executive programs: Programs for mid-level professionals featuring online coursework and flexible scheduling options
  • Online/hybrid programs: Fully online programs or hybrid programs, featuring both online coursework and campus-based courses
  • Dual programs: MHA/MPH, MBA/MPH, JD/MPH

The length of a master’s degree program is between 18 and 36 months, with most being about 24 months in duration.

Graduate core coursework often includes:

  • Healthcare policy, organization, and financing
  • Legal and ethical issues in healthcare
  • Business policy
  • Financial analysis in healthcare organizations

Most programs require that students do a capstone project or thesis before graduation.

Job Postings in Healthcare Administration in New Jersey

We are glad to mention that numerous healthcare administration jobs in New Jersey are available in the state’s hospitals and health systems, as well as in public policy, public health, academia, and research settings.

These are examples of jobs that may be available to graduates of healthcare administration programs in New Jersey:

Chief Executive Officer, Behavioral Health, Red Bank – This person will provide leadership, direction, and administration of all aspects of a psychiatric hospital, so a master’s degree or training and experience in management or the healthcare field is required.

Director of Diversity and Inclusion, New Brunswick – He/she will support the expansion of diversity and inclusion for the health system. This position requires one of the following degrees: MBA/MHA/MPH.

Hospital Administrator, Secaucus – His/her job will be to provide complete oversight of the hospital, including clinical programming, day-to-day operations, and other responsibilities related to the operation of the hospital; The position requires a master’s degree in psychology, social work, counseling, psychiatric rehabilitation, public health, public administration, or healthcare administration.

Executive Director, Teaneck – He/she coordinates and optimizes care across participating health systems and provides management oversight, so advanced degree in healthcare management, healthcare administration, public health, business, or a related field is required.

Possible Employers and Professional Resources for Health Administrators in New Jersey

New Jersey’s hospitals are valuable sources of employment opportunities for healthcare administrators:

  • AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Atlantic City
  • Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack
  • Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune
  • Morristown Medical Center, Morristown
  • Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick
  • Peter’s University Hospital, New Brunswick

Becoming a member of New Jersey’s professional associations will allow you as a healthcare administration professional, to network with other professionals and stay current on the latest developments in the industry:

  • New Jersey Hospital Association
  • Medical Society of New Jersey
  • New Jersey Medical Group Management Association
  • Health Care Association of New Jersey
  • New Jersey Primary Care Association
  • Home Care Association of New Jersey
  • American College of Healthcare Administrators, New Jersey Chapter

Health Administration Salaries and Job Growth in New Jersey

New Jersey healthcare administrators make a median annual wage of $128744 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The salary is higher than the national median, and those few with higher educational level may be earning $145199 per year.

Just as in the majority of states, the job outlook is great for healthcare administrators, being that it is expected a 17.7 percent growth rate, leading to 210 openings per year.

Annual Salary Range:

Average Salary of Healthcare Administrators in New Jersey

City NameSalary
Jersey City$140,901
East Brunswick$134,915
* Salary information last updated 2025

Regional Salary in New Jersey

RegionEmployedAvg. Annual SalaryAvg. Hourly PayTop 10% Annual SalaryBottom 10% Annual Salary
Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ480$132,920$63.9$175,650$80,590
Ocean City, NJ100$134,620$64.72$208,550$71,210
Trenton, NJ920$193,730$93.14$#$96,180
Vineland-Bridgeton, NJ230$125,170$60.18$169,150$76,830
* Salary information based on the May 2023 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey for Medical and Health Services Managers, OCC Code 11-9111, BLS.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.
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