A Medical assistant job interview has a lot more going on within it than you might imagine.
While many people believe that a job interview is simply a minor test addressing your accomplishments and work history, the truth is there is much more to it than what is on paper.
In most industries, particularly the medical industry, you’ll be heavily judged on your answers, your promptness, and even the way you are dressed.
Choosing The Right Level of Attire
A medical assistant job candidate should present themselves with an air of confidence, completed with non-assuming yet professional attire, however, you don’t need to show up overdressed. Dress confidently; that is, clean, crisp, and unassuming.
A great guideline for your interview would be to find out what the dress code is for the position you are being interviewed for and then dress slightly above that. Typically this means if you are a male applicant you’ll want to go with a collared shirt and tie if you are supposed to “keep it casual”; a female candidate might wear a smart-looking suit with casual jewelry. Dressing slightly above the employer’s dress code will make you stand out as a candidate, professionally.
A full, good fitted suit is an excellent way to represent yourself, and while it is often the “go-to look” for job interviews, there’s a reason for that; it gives off a professional vibe if you go with subtle colors like black or navy blue; lighter colors work asl well, just be sure they reflect the current styles.
Putting In The Finishing Touches
Once you have met and beaten the dress code requirements with or without a suit, you can always focus on the details in order to make you look like a more proper candidate for the job.
You can carry a pocket square or matching low heels to show that you consider attention to detail important, as well as wearing a wristwatch which can give the impression that you care about being punctual.
Having a high-quality pen in your pocket that you use will make you look prepared as well. Some of these suggestions may seem immaterial but they’re not; it’s often the little touches that count when someone is reading you.
The bottom line is that you need to show up for your medical assistant interview looking like the professional your employer is looking to hir. By taking the time to present a reliable aesthetic through your appearance, you’ll definitely catch the right kind of attention and far more likely to get the job than other underprepared candidates, especially when paired with your experience and/or education. See the ExploreMedicalCareers.com guide for more information about how to become a medical assistant.