How to Become a Pharmacy Technician in South Dakota

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A pharmacy technician in South Dakota needs to be licensed in order to be legally employed.

However, pharmacy techs must get a job first.

Find out how to do this properly so you can be gainfully employed as a pharmacy technician in South Dakota.

Here is a guide featuring the top five schools for pharmacy techs in SD, as well as salary information and some FAQs about this state’s pharmacy tech requirements.

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Licensing Requirements to Become a Pharmacy Technician in South Dakota

In order to get a job as a pharmacy technician in South Dakota, you must go through the South Dakota Department of Health and the Board of Pharmacy.

Apply through this state agency for a technician’s license for a pharmacy tech.

The application process is done completely online.

You must have a high school diploma or GED.

In addition, you must already be employed or hired in South Dakota to work as a pharmacy tech.

This is required before your application can be submitted.

There is a requirement that newly employed pharmacy technicians in South Dakota must apply to the SD State Board of Pharmacy within 30 days.

You also need to submit a passport photo.

The cost for applying for a pharmacy technician’s license is $25.

In addition, you must renew the license annually and pay $25 each year.

The state requires all pharmacy technician licenses to expire on October 31, which is Halloween, annually.

You will be able to renew a month prior to this date.

Depending on the place you are employed as a South Dakota pharmacy technician, you may also be required to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) exam.

This is a national certification exam for pharmacy techs.

Areas of knowledge tested on the PTCB include federal requirements for pharmacy techs, patient safety, medications, order entry/processing, and quality assurance.

5 Pharmacy Technician Schools in South Dakota

Southeast Technical College

At Southeast Technical College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, students train to become a pharmacy technician.

This school offers a pharmacy technician program that includes a one-year training course and 31 credit hours.Southeast Technical College

The cost for tuition is $255 per credit hour, in addition to other fees.

The total cost is approximately $13,000.

Students who are graduating from the program are ready to take the PTCB and pass before they can start practicing as a pharmacy technician.

After they are employed, they are ready to take the state boards for licensing as certified pharmacy tech.

Western Dakota Technical College

Western Dakota Technical College

Students who live in Rapid City, South Dakota may be more inclined to attend Western Dakota Technical College (WDTC).

The pharmacy technician training program is open to students who want to work with registered pharmacists in a variety of healthcare settings.

The application is $15 and involves passing the ACCUPLACER test, or having a minimum ACT or SAT score.

Financial aid and Build Dakota scholarships are available to reduce costs for students enrolled in the pharmacy tech program at WDTC.

The cost for tuition is $286 per credit hour for classes that meet in person and $336 for online classes.

South Dakota Pharmacists Association

The South Dakota Pharmacists Association (SDPhA) offers online training via the Therapeutic Research Center (TRC).

This is through a joint program called Pharmacy Technician University (PTU).South Dakota Pharmacists Association

The training is available to South Dakota pharmacist tech hopefuls but is accepted in all 50 states.

When students graduate from PTU, they are ready to sit for the exams for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.

Costs are not disclosed to the public but are considered reasonable rates for this type of training.

NetContinuing Education

An interesting way to train to become a pharmacy technician in South Dakota is through the NetContinuing Education portal.NetContinuing Education

This is an online platform that offers dozens of free and paid courses for pharmacy techs.

The training includes titles in community health, alternative medicine, infection control, and internal medicine.

Specific courses are approved for SD pharmacy technicians as part of renewing certification and licensing each year by the board.

Penn Foster Career School

As there are no more in-person colleges in South Dakota that offer pharmacy technician training, consider Penn Foster Career School.

This is a nationally accepted college that is 100 percent online and leads to a pharmacy technician diploma.Penn Foster

The total cost is $999 and covers 12 courses completed in 51.7 continuing education units (CEUs).

You must pass 31 exams during the program.

These exams cover pharmacology, drug classes, and body systems, as well as pharmacy practice regulations and law.

Pharmacy Technician Schools in South Dakota

Top 5 Schools in South Dakota

School NameAddress
Southeast Technical College2320 N Career Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Western Dakota Technical College800 Mickelson Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703
South Dakota Pharmacists Association320 E Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
NetContinuing EducationOnline
Penn Foster Career School925 Oak St Scranton, PA 18515

Salary in South Dakota for a Pharmacy Technician

In Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the salary for a pharmacy technician is, on average, $33,500 a year.

This is based on a salary range from $27,196 to $40,760 annually.

Annual Salary Range:

Average Salary of Pharmacy Technicians in South Dakota

City NameSalary
Sioux Falls$33,500
Rapid City$32,400
* Salary information last updated 2025

Regional Salary in South Dakota

RegionEmployedAvg. Annual SalaryAvg. Hourly PayTop 10% Annual SalaryBottom 10% Annual Salary
Rapid City, SD190$42,350$20.36$49,620$34,780
Sioux Falls, SD500$41,080$19.75$49,590$34,470
* Salary information based on the May 2023 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey for Pharmacy Technicians, OCC Code 29-2052, BLS.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to apply to the Board of Pharmacy in South Dakota to get licensed?

Yes, if you want to be an official and employable South Dakota pharmacy tech, you have to apply for a pharmacy technician’s license.

This is done through the South Dakota State Board of Pharmacy and costs $25.

You must provide a recent passport photo and get your application notarized by a certified public notary.

Do South Dakota pharmacy technicians have to get their license renewed?

South Dakota pharmacy technicians who are licensed must renew their license every year at a cost of $25.

How old must I be to become a pharmacy technician in South Dakota?

You must be at least 18 years old to train and work as a pharmacy technician in South Dakota.

This is required in order for you to also have a GED or high school diploma.

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