Many people consider working in the healthcare industry.
One of the easiest jobs to get hired for is that of a physical therapist aide because this is an entry-level position.
Let’s find out the physical therapist aide certification requirements by state, so read on!
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Because the job of a physical therapist aide is an entry-level one, you won’t need to be licensed or certified in Alaska.
Certification or licensing is also not needed in Alabama by these professionals.
Just like the previous 2 states, Arizona also doesn’t mandate these aides to become certified or licensed.
In Arkansas, the license or certification is needed by aides only if they want to build a career in the healthcare field.
California has the same requirements as the states above.
CPR certification however is needed by physical therapist aides.
CPR or other first aid certification is all you need in Colorado to become a physical therapist aide.
Connecticut doesn’t have any special prerequisites to meet, just like the previous states.
In Delaware, besides the CPR certificate and high school diploma, you don’t need any other credential to become a physical therapist aide.
In Florida, future physical therapist aides must graduate from high school and obtain a CPR certificate.
The State of Georgia also doesn’t deviate from what we presented so far.
In Hawaii, physical therapist aides consider getting licensed only if they hope to have a career in the medical field.
A license for a physical therapist aide in Idaho means that he or she can climb the career ladder and get a higher salary as well.
Just like in the other states, physical therapist aides hold an entry-level position.
There’s no license requirement at this level of experience.
In this state, physical therapist aides need to obtain a high school diploma or GED, but no further diplomas.
A CPR certification is mandatory, however.
The situation in Iowa is not different when compared to the rest of the states.
A high school diploma or GED, and CPR certification are the minimum credentials needed to get hired.
The minimum requirements to become a physical therapist aide in Kansas are the same as in all the other states.
In Kentucky, just like everywhere across the county, physical therapist aides who want to develop a career will become licensed.
Physical therapist aides from this state have better career prospects if they consider earning an Associates’ degree diploma and then a license.
Maine too has minimal requirements as far as physical therapist aides go.
However, trying to earn more credentials can only be beneficial.
In Maryland, employers might prefer PT aides with a license.
These aides, however, are not forced to obtain any license.
Physical therapist aides from Massachusetts can also get hired if they only finish high school and obtain CPR certification.
A high school diploma or a GED along with the CPR certificate is enough for any individual to get a job as a physical therapist aide in Michigan.
In Minnesota too, a high school diploma or GED and at least the CPR certification will allow you to get hired as a physical therapist aide.
The regulations for physical therapist aides in Mississippi are not different when compared to the other states.
If you want to become a physical therapist aide in Missouri, you’ll have to meet the same prerequisites as in the other states.
It’s not uncommon for physical therapist aides in Montana to become licensed.
However, this credential is not necessary for this occupation.
It’s sufficient in Nebraska to have a high school diploma or GED and a first-aid certificate to become a physical therapist aide.
The regulations for physical therapist aides in Nevada don’t differ from those across the country.
New Hampshire
Becoming a physical therapist aide in New Hampshire doesn’t require more than graduating from high school and having a CPR certificate.
The general education diploma, GED, is accepted instead of that from a high school.
New Jersey
Physical therapist aides work closely with sick people.
This is why a CPR certificate is needed by these professionals, but not more credentials than this.
New Mexico
How do you become a physical therapist aide in New Mexico?
You graduate from high school or obtain a GED, then get a CPR diploma and apply for the job!
New York
Here, these aides don’t need to hold a license especially if they work in areas where they don’t interact with patients.
If the job requires patient interaction, the aides will need to become certified nurse assistants.
North Carolina
The job of a physical therapist aide is physically demanding, but a license is not needed to complete the tasks of this job.
North Dakota
With a license, physical therapist aides from North Dakota have many career opportunities opening up.
This type of recognition is not mandatory, however.
What does a person from Ohio need to become a physical therapist aide?
Only to be able to graduate from high school or get a GED as well as a CPR or any first-aid credential.
As you might expect, physical therapist aides in Oklahoma also don’t need other credentials besides:
- The diploma from high school or for general education
- CPR certification
Do you live in Oregon and want to become a physical therapist aide?
Make sure you obtain your high school diploma or GED, and then a CPR certificate.
It’s that easy!
The situation for Pennsylvania is quite similar to that in the other states as far as certifications go.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island is very close to New York.
The requirements to become a physical therapist aide could be quite similar in these 2 states.
South Carolina
If you live in South Carolina and want a job as a physical therapist aide, you’ll have to meet similar prerequisites as in other states.
South Dakota
Obtaining a degree and a license as a physical therapist aide in South Dakota will ensure better employment and salary.
The demand for physical therapist aides in Tennessee is just as strong as in other states.
It’s just as easy as getting hired for this position in this state as elsewhere.
As you can imagine, in Texas the majority of physical therapist aides have about the same credentials as anywhere else across the US.
Utah also doesn’t mandate physical therapist aides to be licensed, however, this is in their best interest.
In Vermont, those who want to become licensed as physical therapist aides will usually have to graduate from a degree program first.
Despite the position of a physical therapist aide being an entry-level one, there’s nothing stopping you from earning a license in Virginia.
The situation for physical therapist aides in Washington is nearly identical to those in the rest of the states.
West Virginia
By now you expect to read the same things as for the previous states.
You’re correct in assuming that you don’t have to earn any credential to become a physical therapist aide, besides a CPR certificate.
A high school diploma, or GED, a CPR certificate, or any other first-aid credential, is all you need to find employment as a physical therapist aide in Wisconsin.
PT aides from Wyoming need the same diplomas as anywhere else in the US.
Keep in mind that You’ll have to meet additional requirements for this job.
These are related to your abilities, knowledge, and age, but not only.